Application in Electronics Engineering


In this blog we are going to discuss about developments in nano-technology in communication engineering. Also the advantages  implementing this techniques  in this field.This nano-technology enables the manufacturer for production of smaller, cheaper  and power  efficient device with higher efficiency.  In this field nanotechnology based on discovering  material which are expected to play important role in future challenges such as high speed for long and short communications link,high density memory and fast interconnections. So now we  are going to see some breakthough in nanotechnology in devices such as nano transistor, nano robotics, nano sensors etc.


1) Nano-Transistor: A nanotransistor is a transistor, the component that acts as an electronic signal with an amplifier that is near the scale of a billionth of a meter in size. Nanotransistors which are  faster , pairs of metal contacts (thick bars) lie a top printed carbon nanotubes, forming transistors visible only in the electron microscope image. The focus is to develop new design tools and methodology for transistors and circuits at the nanoscale which will enable the manufacturing of reliable, low cost, low electromagnetic interference.

2) Nano-Sensor: Nanosensors are chemical or mechanical sensors that can be used to detect the presence of chemical species and nanoparticles or monitor physical parameters such as temperature, pressure on the nanoscale. . Nanosensors have applications in defense, the medical and healthcare world. . Reducing the size of a such  sensor has many benefits like faster response, better signal-to-noise, more accurate data, and increased data density.

3) Nano-Robotics: The term nano robots is define as  engineering of molecular products needs to be carried out by robotic devices. This Robots are widely used in medical works such as surgical work on vascular system ,cavities and also use for purpose of diagnosis , testing and monitoring of microorganisms.


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