Nano-technology Applications in computer science
Nanotechnology is a technology which will take the world to rhe new heights which we newer imagine . It has many real world application which reduce size,cost efficient and higher efficiency. The current trends and the future development will lead to huge contribution in the field of computer science.We are going through some application in computer science.
Application :
1) Carbon Nanotube Computer: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are hollow cylinders composed of a single sheet of carbon atoms.Both CNT and silicon transistor shows same property so it can be use transistor in computer chips. They have made six versions of carbon nanotube computers, out of which one them can be connected to external hardware to perform various task.
2) Computational Nanotechnology: This method is used to study nanoparticles using computer models to predict their behaviour and inform real life nanoparticle in physics and chemistry.Many expeinment are carry out to find the difference between therotical and practical value.
3) Nanobots: Nanobots are able to sense and adapt to environmental stimuli such as heat, light, sounds, perform complex calculation and also to repair their duplicate bots. Nanorobots might function at the atomic or molecular level to build devices, machines, or circuits.This bots can also do the work of making duplicate of themselves.